
Modular Vehicles Render – Blender

Just like the Rendering of the Mech – this render is a result of following Grant Abbitts Course on Gamedev.tv. This section was all about building modular vehicles in an efficient way. The most important aspects have been:

  • Reuse of objects
  • Applying textures using UV-maps and reuse them
  • Array, curve, solidify & mirror modifier

Obviously, there was also some repetition of the learnings from the first section.

How to reuse the materials and copying materials (or modifier) from one object to multiple other objects have been key learnings for me as it can save a lot of time.

The most fun part was the creation of the tank wheels. Many different modifiers had to be used and it was quite a nice result!

In the end, only one small segment of the chain had to be created. It was repeated along a curve via the array modifier.

The final part of the section about creating the tripod base element without any guidance. It was quite a challenge, but also helped to apply the previously learned skills.